
Also note the tense situation in the Middle East is either ...

Turkey and Israel West Texas Intermediate over door (WTI) futures in New York Mercantile Exchange is one of the benchmark price of crude oil (NYMEX), then after rising in dollars to date, being pushed by the return selling, until 0 nearly $ enters the month now that you decline, it has become a struggle. The market has been directed attention to the whereabouts of trade negotiations in the United States, but has become a movement that glared it also crude oil futures, it seems that there is a need to keep an eye to the situation in the Middle East just in case. Trump US President years ago, it announced the withdrawal from the nuclear agreement, which was signed in Iran and the United States, Britain, such as whether the country is 0 years. Furthermore, the US government has announced that terminate the exemption of Iranian crude oil import ban at the end of the month of this year. Military leaders of Iran before to announce a full embargo of the domestic crude oil the United States, Iran if impede the use of the Hormuz Strait had said it would close the Strait.

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